
On April 27, Bosch Home Comfort inaugurated the Industry 4.0 "Factory Vision" laboratory at its competence center for Industry 4.0 technologies installed at the Aveiro plant. This laboratory represents an investment of more than 1 million euros and is part of the PRR ILLIANCE program and will allow to develop, together with the University of Aveiro, and test new technologies and industrial processes for the assembly lines of the future.
This infrastructure is essential to become even more agile in the supply of new assembly lines, designed from the beginning to be completely digital, integrated into our Information Technology architecture in the industrial sector and completely "turnkey", that is, from machine control to production control through the MES system, resulting in line management with indicators calculated in real time automatically. This agility is particularly important at a particularly critical time: a time of very demanding growth and major challenges related to the energy transition, with many new assembly lines underpinning a major business growth.
The projects in partnership with the universities, on the one hand, and the developments and innovations introduced by our team, on the other, have resulted in scientific and technological knowledge that culminated in the development of new truly modular solutions translated into a set of processes applied in our factory vision of the future Home Comfort, allowing truly flexible industrial processes, able to adapt quickly to the new demands of the market.
“Factory Vision" is a flexible and connected factory
"Factory Vision" and this laboratory are intended to satisfy the growth, competitiveness and market dynamics facing the Home Comfort business unit.
This infrastructure is a fundamental cornerstone for our Industry 4.0 Competence Center, allowing us to further sustain an integrated innovation strategy that involves research and development in new industrial processes, the development of information systems to support operations management decisions, quality control and predictive systems, among others.
The ILLIANCE Agenda is funded by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Programme, component C5-Capacity Building and Business Innovation, Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation, under the Next Generation EU of the European Union, in the amount of € 116 093 956.60 and will be completed in December 2025.
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