About Us

The greatest challenge facing humanity today is the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a global effort to limit the global rise in the planet's average temperatures, thereby addressing international goals of achieving carbon neutrality. In this crucial aspect, it is now perceived that the buildings in which we live, work, buy, and socialize are today responsible for about 40% of CO2 emissions.

The ILLIANCE Agenda addresses carbon neutrality associated with the buildings sector, through the design, development, and industrialization of complementary technologies, associated with 3 fundamental pillars, namely: health, comfort and sustainability.

These innovative technologies are integrated into a series of projects, which materialize the following integrated vision.



We believe in intelligent, efficient, comfortable and sustainable buildings


The agenda consortium is composed of 29 entities, of which 17 are companies, 9 ENESI, 2 Clusters, and 1 association, led by BOSCH TERMOTECNOLOGIA, S.A., which are organized into 5 thematic Work Packages, produce nine main innovative products (PPS).
We live in an era of unprecedented collective consciousness for the topics addressed by this agenda: either by social consciousness that humanity needs to act and drive a new ecological and sustainable future, by the pandemic that has leveraged the will to transform our homes into a protective "cocoon" - generating the term cocooning, or even more recently by the current geopolitical situation - generating the awareness that western countries need to improve the usage of renewable energies, becoming less dependent of hydrocarbon fuels.

Project Number: 46
Date of approval: June 17th, 2022
Project duration: October 2021 to December 2025
Measure: Recovery and Resilience Program – C5 | Capitalization and Business Innovation
Main objective: To address the objective of carbon neutrality in the buildings sector

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